Little India is quite an interesting place to be a police officer at. It's probably more likely to get knocked down by a car than be killed by a criminal. Oh well, nothing much I can do about it. So just spree anyway.
If everyday is going to be like today I'd get a heart attack soon or maybe just get numbed to it all. Maybe it would take snow in Singapore to get me remotely excited about anything again. However, I cannot share what happened today because I would contravene the Official Secrets Act which can be used against me for telling u what I ate for lunch during work today. Of course, I could always meet up with you over coffee and tell you the amazing tales, but in case you are from the Internal Security Department, I am allergic to coffee beans.
Perhaps somewhere along the way, I got stuck in a fairytale that policemen are just supposed to be nice little teddys that go around helping old grannies carry their groceries, helping blind people across the road and not sounding the horn at women drivers. Perhaps saying that I pledge to be courteous and fair and humane to everyone everyday made me really believe it. I kinda forgot that when most people see policemen, they feel abit squirmish, take a different path to avoid them (big detour because some are quite fat), and generally pray that their invisibility cloak is fully equipped in case they committed some offense without knowing it. Helping people includes not helping those that by law requires us to go out of our way to make life miserable for them. Some sentences to me are like sledgehammers for just a tiny nail. Of course they are there in place so that people would not even THINK of committing the offenses that warrant them. Being in NS for 2 years feels terrible enough for me; I cannot even imagine how jail for a longer period would be like. Somewhere along the way, the people that devised the law left out that little bit of empathy for the stupidity that is present in all of us which makes us sometimes do stupid things.
Till then, we have to take ever widening arcs to avoid those police officers.
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