Sunday, August 17, 2008

Before I kiss the floor

I guess being a Christian is like any other relationship, where it's like staying on a descending escalator. By being indifferent and not doing anything about it, things actually start to deteriorate. Probably the same could be said about my walk with God in the past few months. I could blame it on camp, I could blame it on anything, but the thing is that unless I do something about it, nothing's gonna change, and I'll just continue my freefall. I could look to going to church once a week, playing in Psalmist once in 3 months to lift me up, but all those are just external things, a little shot in the arm. Just today I was thinking about how things could have changed like that, without even me noticing it, but just slowly going into a sweet lull of sorts. Well, I thank God for sending people around me to shake me awake and do something about it. I think it's kinda hard, sincerely telling people there's something wrong with them. Thanks Xin Ning for being such a real FRIEND and also that awkward bit making things clear.

Today playing for worship at adults was awesome. I haven't touched my violin for ages so much so that when I opened the case yesterday there was mould on my violin.. URGHHHHhhh. Anyway, I always look forward to hanging out with the people from Psalmist, they're great fun and I don't know if this is the right thing to say, the closest I ever felt to God was when I was with them. Rather sad when the realisation hit me that I won't see alot of these guys around anymore when we disband.

Tomorrow I will once again prowl the streets of Little India looking for any wrongdoing. HAH so don't try to do anything funny or rankless Joshua (sounds cool when u put the rank in front) is going to whoop your sorry candy ass. Honestly I'm abit unnerved. In camp everything's just fun and games as long as you're prepared to do pushups for it. Now it's real situations, real people, real cases that need our attention/help. Little in camp has prepared me for this so I just gotta learn the ropes as I go along. It's gonna be fun *chants in my head* it's gonna be fun...

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