Today was reflective service again. Was really stressed last night at/after practice, because I went to practice only needing to play 5 songs, left practice needing to play 7 for today's service. Decided to blog today instead so instead of bitching I would be giving thanks. During the solo parts my right arm refused to obey me and was trembling like nuts, giving right arm vibrato too (gotta get some muscle relaxant from Kiat's mom). Overall though, I think i didn't make too many glaring mistakes, which would have discouraged me further during the playing bit. Was kinda dazed while I was playing (happens all the time when I'm performing) but it all turned out alright, I guess. One of the barometers I use to gauge how well I played is how many wedding invitations I get after each service. Today I got none. The first time I played, I got an invitation to play for Brandon's funeral. Although indeed the focus should be on serving God and playing solely for Him, the onus is still on me to practice really hard and not make a mess of the whole thing and distract people from worshipping in the process of doing so. *must remember to practice MUCH harder next time*
After service was Psalmist's annual TAP (thanksgiving, appreciation and planning) session. Had lunch with the ministry at Bukit Timah food centre before heading to Christina's condo for the meeting. Was really fun at the beginning when everyone was cracking crazy jokes during 2 truths and a lie. The appreciation part was meaningful too, going round the circle and having people talk about how they appreciate each person. Came to the planning part, which was basically simple, but sobering, since the future of Psalmist is a big question mark, with developments in the future with regards to the congregation. Although everyone was making a joke out of it to lighten the mood, it was hard to ignore the regret that everyone had should any changes that takes away people from this ministry. The core team had put alot of effort into this ministry and many individuals have also stepped up to make this ministry into what it is today. Having said so, it is ultimately up to God and we hope that whatever happens, God's plan will be fulfilled, both in this ministry, and through us. One of the points was for us to strengthen both individually, and as a ministry, in terms of personal development, be it technical, or even strengthening how we play our instruments with each other, or getting new members. Personally, I feel I have not been putting in enough effort as a musician in this ministry, as I ought to. In the past, being responsible to my teachers gave me a certain ownership over how I develop. However, playing for God I should give many many more times the effort, in which I have fallen short, miserably.
It was quite a nice time today, spending time with other Psalmist members and getting to know a few of them better, since we do not meet up like that often. They're really jovial and always cracking jokes.
Got my first birthday present this year! From Xin Ning, which really cracked me up. Earring. Yeah hahahaha
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