Yesterday was a real day-off for me after quite a hectic weekend, running around. Went to the pool sometime noon, since the sun wasn't particularly hot. Brought a novel with me, so in between mini-swims just lounged at the poolside reading.
Today was another such day. Slept at 4ish, woke at 11.15. Wasn't doing very much until about 1, when I realised that I only had 7 hours of sleep at night! Since I prefer to get as much sleep as possible during holidays, wanted to bump it to 8 by sleeping an hour. Slept at 2.15 and when I woke up, it was about 4.45 already. Went online and saw Xin Ning online and she also had a wasted day and wanting to make up for it, decided to go to Bukit Batok Nature Park for a jog. Not inclined to any real physical activity myself, I would have been completely satisfied doing my mental 2.4km run in the comfort of my chair. But since I promised myself to exercise everyday for this 2 weeks, and today being only day 2, it would have been really disappointing to renege on my promise myself.
After jogging for 5 minutes or so, she suggested going up the hill. Since the last time I was on bike, I only managed to go by those non slope-y or hilly areas as they were rather narrow and inaccessible by bike. Reached the top of the hill (umm dunno if there's a name) and it was some protected area so couldn't go any further.
Walking back down, I thought it was really nice that the park was so well kept, with lights and maps and paths and all. Although sometimes I think that the government could do better in certain areas, it is heartening that we have a park that is better maintained than perhaps major roads in other countries.
Saw some retirees jogging together around the park. Wondered if for most of us would we only be able to appreciate simple activities like this. Perhaps it is the knowledge that I will be a civilian for these last 2 weeks, or maybe I'm just older than I really am, but I think it's nice, sometimes, to just enjoy that little bit of nature and simplicity as opposed to running about in town.
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