Saturday, October 18, 2008


I've been waiting for this show for around a month now. If I didn't catch it this weekend, it may not be showing again when I come back from Bangkok when I'll have the time to watch it. So it's nice that Xin Ning wanted to watch it today too! Tokyo! was actually a series of 3 short films. The first was about this unmarried couple that due to circumstances, had to put up with a friend and ended up outstaying their welcome. The girlfriend of the couple struggled with having no purpose, which eventually led her to metamorphize, bizzarely, into a chair. A form which she could switch between and finally find some purpose in. The second story was about this man who lived in the sewers and had his field day coming out and terrorizing people on the streets. It got a bit too much for me when he started to mindlessly scatter grenades about and killed many innocent people. The bit where they had to go back and forth in translation felt really draggy. It was the piece I enjoyed the least. The last was my favourite; a simple piece about a hikikomori and how his 10 years of isolation and solitude came to an abrupt end when he met a pizza girl which he liked, to earth shaking consequences, literally.

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