Sunday, December 9, 2007

Youth Camp

It's the time of the year everyone in COR youth congregation been waiting for, YOUTH CAMP 2007. And once again, I "missed" the registration date. Kinda hate going to camps, not youth camp in particular, rather, camps in general. The feeling of not knowing what's going to come next, the restrictions, I think that overwhelms me. My parents remind me that the next 2 years in NS will be a long camp; but then again, why experience it sooner than later.

For others, it is also a special time, to get out of the house and stay out. Brian had a mega long youth camp stay with the "extra" 2 days of youth camp spent at my place some 3 years ago. Sampling some of the world's finest cuisine prepared in the kitchen of my house, he lives to tell the tale of brown rice, beef rendang and vegetables to this day.

This year, Kiat is spending youth camp at my house! Kinda bad though, for him I mean, because at home I almost never entertain and thus my house is as exciting as the nearby Community Centre. Instead, he took me to his country club, which is a really nice place, compared to the one my parents joined, which happens to really suck in comparison. After what I would be ashamed to call a swim, because I basically was just standing around and frolicking in the water, had dinner (which happened to have really fast service, again compared to my club, but I shan't go into that before there's another lawsuit), bowled and played arcade, of which, the last 2 I hadn't done in a long time. Needless to say, I was really bad, but had fun nevertheless.

I love youth camp! <3

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